
Jerry Tries To Buy Back His Watch From Uncle Leo | The Watch | Seinfeld

531 2022. 6. 29. 23:57



Naomi, the hostess, stands by the Seinfeld's table.

NAOMI: Did you enjoy your poisson?
HELEN: It was... different.

NAOMI: (to Jerry) And how was yours?

JERRY: Ah, very good.

NAOMI: You should try our mousse. (a little flirtatious) It'll change
your life expectancy.
JERRY: No thanks, just the check.

Naomi leaves.

HELEN: What's the matter with you?

JERRY: What?

HELEN: Why didn't you flirt with her?

JERRY: Come on.

HELEN: She was flirting with you. Why didn't you say something?

JERRY: What am I gonna say?

HELEN: You just sat there.

JERRY: Well, you made me uncomfortable.

HELEN: You're a comedian, couldn't you come up with something?

LEO: (to Morty) Where's the bathroom?

JERRY: In the back, on your right.

Leo gets up and leaves. The busboy brings the check to the table. As he
puts it down, Morty takes hold of it. Jerry grabs it too. A tug of war


MORTY: Will you stop it Jerry. Let go.

HELEN: Jerry.

JERRY: Will you let me pay just once.

MORTY: You're out of your mind.

JERRY: How you gonna pay? You don't even have a wallet!

MORTY: Don't worry about it.

JERRY: What're you gonna do?

MORTY: What's the difference, we'll figure something out.

HELEN: (to Jerry) You're not paying.

Jerry releases his grip, allowing a triumphant Morty to take the check.

JERRY: Alright, fine. You figure something out. I'd be very curious to
know how you pick up a check with no money. 'Cause if this works, the whole
monetary system's obsolete, we're back to wampum. (standing) I'm going to the

Jerry walks away. Morty reads the check, with Helen leaning to read it

MORTY: How the hell am I gonna pay for this?



[Restaurant Bathroom]

Jerry enters, to find Leo washing his hands. Leo notices Jerry in the

LEO: They give you some portion here, huh?

JERRY: Uh, yeah. (broaching a subject) Hey uncle Leo, I hope I wasn't
uh, rude to you that day I bumped into you on the street. Uh, I really did have
to get to a meeting.

LEO: (preening himself in the mirror) Aw, no, no, I understand. I got
plenty of friends in showbusiness. I know you're all very busy.

JERRY: So you found that watch in the garbage can, huh?

LEO: Yeah. In fact it was right after I ran into you.

JERRY: Oh, heh. You know, a friend of mine has a watch just like that.
I'd love to replace it for him as a gift.

LEO: Well, I haven't seen too many like (indicating watch) these.

Leo begins to head for the door. Jerry walks backwards, keeping pace
with him.

JERRY: Yeah, I know. Maybe uh, you wanna sell me that one.

LEO: (sarcastic) Aww, sure. (laughter)

Leo opens the door and begins to exit. Jerry grabs him by the arm.

JERRY: (pulling Leo back in) Hang on a second. I got a little
proposition for you.



Morty stands, explaining his predicament to the maitre d', who speaks
with an approximate French accent.

MORTY: You don't understand. I can't allow my son to pay for me. Look,
as soon as I get back to Florida, I promise you I'll mail you a check.

MAITRE D': Why don't you just let him pay, and then you can pay him

MORTY: No, no, he won't let me do that.

MAITRE D': Why don't you just put the money in his pants pocket,

MORTY: He could wash them.

MAITRE D': Monsieur, we are running a reputable business.

MORTY: Don't tell me about business! I sold raincoats for thirty-five

MAITRE D': Aha, but you did not give them away, did you?

MORTY: You don't understand my...

MAITRE D': Ah, monsieur, I cannot get involved with you and your
family, ah.


[Restaurant Bathroom]

Leo and Jerry are mid-negotiation over the watch.

JERRY: Alright, two hundred, but that's as high as I can go. I really
think you're being unreasonable here!

LEO: Jerry, I'd give you the watch. It's not the money, I happen to
like it.

JERRY: Look, I happen to know how much that watch cost. It's a sixty
dollar watch, you paid forty to get it fixed. That's a hundred dollars. I'm
offering you two hundred!

LEO: (indicating) I've never seen a band like this.

JERRY: Aww, right. Three hundred, plus fifty for the repair. Three
fifty, that's it!

LEO: You have it on you?

JERRY: Yeah, I think I do.

Jerry fetches out his wallet.

JERRY: (under his breath) This is unbelievable.

Jerry begins handing over a wad of bills to Leo. The door to the
bathroom opens and Morty enters.

MORTY: What the hell is going on here?


[Jerry's Apartment]

Jerry brings his parents' cases from the bedroom. Helen is finishing

MORTY: You should a told me it didn't work.

JERRY: I know, I know.

HELEN: You didn't have to throw it out.

JERRY: I was always late. It was frustrating me. I'm sorry, I really

The buzzer sounds.

HELEN: That's gotta be Leo.

JERRY: (to intercom) Yeah?

LEO (O.C.): Leo.

JERRY: Alright, we're coming down.

MORTY: Alright, let's get going.

JERRY: Dad, before we go, I got a little something for you.

Jerry fetches a small package from the kitchen drawer and offers it to

JERRY: A present.

MORTY: A present?

Morty opens it.

MORTY: Hey! Look at this, a wallet. Exactly what I needed, y'see.

JERRY: C'mon, you lost your wallet, I figured I'd get you another one.

HELEN: I hope you didn't spend too much on that.

MORTY: I wanna tell you. This is one of the most thoughtful gifts
anyone's ever given me.

HELEN: He's something, you son, isn't he?

JERRY: Ah hah, alright, let's go.

Everyone begins to head for the door.

MORTY: You're a terrific kid.

Jerry picks up a case.

JERRY: Okay.

GEORGE: Yeah, he's something, isn't he?

George picks up the other case, as Morty and Helen exit.

HELEN: How could anybody not like you?

GEORGE: (to Jerry) You're very special.

JERRY: (pointedly) Yeah, I'm good for about four thousand dollars.




Uncle Leo has the trunk of his car open and looks impatient.

LEO: Hey, let's go! It's twelve (checks watch) uh, twelve twenty-two.

MORTY: Alright, Leo.

JERRY: Hey, uncle Leo.

LEO: Hi, hi...

JERRY: How you doing?

There are murmurs of greetings.

JERRY: This is some beautiful parking spot you got here.

LEO: Yeah, I hate to give it up.

JERRY: Yeah. Hey, dad, you sure you don't need any more money?

MORTY: Jerry!

JERRY: Alright, I'm just joking. Listen, have a nice trip.

HELEN: (hugging Jerry) Bye bye, Jerry.

GEORGE: Bye Mrs Seinfeld, take care.

MORTY: Bye bye. (hugging Jerry) Thanks again for the wallet.

GEORGE: (shaking hands with Morty) Morty, always a pleasure.

JERRY: Take care now. So long.

Jerry and George walk away to cross the street back to the apartment.
They speak quietly, so's Helen and Morty don't overhear.

GEORGE: Yeah, like he was really gonna take your money.

JERRY: Oh, he took it. I put four hundred dollars in the new wallet.

GEORGE: You're kidding.

JERRY: He lost all that cash. It was the only way I could give it back
to him, otherwise he wouldn't accept it.

GEORGE: Man, would I like to see the look on his face.

Jerry gives a final wave to his parents. They wave back.

MORTY: You believe this?

HELEN: What?

MORTY: (indicates the new wallet) It's velcro.

HELEN: You're kidding.

MORTY: Who needs this?

He tosses the wallet into the trash bin.

MORTY: Leo, let's go.

Morty and Helen climb into Leo's car. Leo closes the trunk and walks
toward the driver's door. He stops, as something catches his eye. Leo picks the
wallet out of the trash, looks around to see if anyone's watching, and tucks it
into his pocket as he goes to get in the car.


poisson: [명사]흰살 생선요리(프랑스 메인요리)
flirtatious [형용사]추파를 던지는
mousse: [명사]무스(크림, 달걀 흰자위 섞은 것에 과일, 초콜릿 등으로 맛을 낸 디저트. 또는 생선, 야채 맛이 나도록 이와 비슷하게 만든 요리)
life expectancy: [명사] 기대 수명
flirt: [동사]추파를던지는
just sit there: [숙어]가만있다, 움직이지 않다
come up with something: [숙어](해답·돈 등을) 찾아내다, 내놓다
be/go out of your mind: [숙어]제정신이 아니다/정신이 나가다, 미치다 OOYM
What's the difference?: [구어]그것이 어쨌단 말인가?, 상관없지 않으냐?, 마찬가지잖아?, 알아서 뭐 해?
figure somebody/something out: [숙어]1.(생각한 끝에) ~을 이해하다, 알아내다 2.(양·비용을) 계산, 산출하다
monetary system: [명사]통화 제도, 화폐 제도
obsolete: [형용사]더 이상 쓸모가 없는, 한물간, 구식의 (=out of date)
wampum: [명사]조가비 구슬(옛날 북미 인디언이 화폐 또는 장식으로 사용), [속어]금전, 돈
bump into somebody: [숙어](우연히) ~와 마주치다
preening: [명사]깃털고르기; (preen)[동사]단장하다
plenty of: [숙어]많은
run into: [숙어, 동사]뛰어들어가다, …와 충돌하다, …와 우연히 만나다, 합계 …이 되다.
indicate: [동사]1.(사실임·존재함을) 나타내다, 보여 주다 2.(조짐·가능성을) 나타내다, 보여 주다 3.(특히 간접적으로) 내비치다, 시사하다
hang on a second: [숙어]잠깐 기다려
proposition: [명사]제의 (propse)
predicament: [명사]곤경, 궁지 (=quandary)
maitre d' [숙어, 명사]웨이터 주임, 호텔 지배인
approximate: [형용사]거의 정확한, 근사치인 [동사]1.(성격양자질 등이) 비슷하다, 가깝다 2.근사치를 내다, 계산하다
unsuspectingly: [부사]의심하지 않고, 수상히 여기지않고, 은근 슬쩍
monsieur: [명사]…씨, 님, 귀하 (Mr. 또는 호칭의 Sir에 해당하는 경칭; 略 M., pl. Messrs., MM.)
reputable: [형용사]평판이 좋은 (→disreputable), (=respected), 고상한
run a business: [숙어]사업을 하다
give away: [숙어, 형용사]헐값의, 거저 주는, 공짜
involve with: [숙어]…와 관계하게 하다, 얽히다
unreasonable: [숙어, 형용사]불합리한, 부당한, 지나친 (↔reasonable)
be unreasonable: [숙어]도리에 벗어나다, 억지 쓰다
happen to somebody/something: [숙어](어떤 일이) ~에게 일어나다[생기다], ~이 …게 되다
that's it: [숙어]1.바로 그것이다 2.다 됐다(끝났다), 그것이 전부이다(더 이상 어쩔 수 없다) 3.그만해라(더 이상 용납하지 않겠다는 뜻)
you have it on you?: 지금 가지고 있니? → 여기선 지금 바로 줄거니? 정도로
fetch out: [숙어]…을 꺼내다; (소질 따위)를 발현시키다; (광·윤 따위)를 내다
frustrating: [형용사]불만스러운, 좌절감을 주는, 화나게 하는
turn somebody/something down: [숙어]~을 거절, 거부하다
drawer: [명사]서랍
thoughtful: [형용사]호감 배려심 있는, 친절한 (=considerate, kind), 사려 깊은, 생각에 잠긴
be (quite) something: [숙어]보통이 아니다, 대단하다
terrific :[형용사]아주 좋은, 멋진, 훌륭한, (양·정도 등이) 엄청난
good for: [숙어]…에 알맞아, …에 견뎌서, …을 지불할 수 있는, (…기간) 유효의
murmur: [동사]속삭이다, 소곤거리다, 중얼(웅얼)거리다, 조용하게 작은 소리를 계속 내다 [명사]속삭임, 소곤거림,(감정을) 조용히 표현함
greeting [명사](말이나 행동으로 하는) 인사, (남의 건강·행복 등을 기원하는) 안부의 말
overhear: [동사](남의 대화 등을) 우연히 듣다, 엿듣다 (→eavesdrop)
wave: [동사](손팔을) 흔들다, 손짓하다, (손을 흔들어) 가리키다
look on: [숙어](관여하지는 않고) 구경하다, 지켜보다 (→관련 명사는 onlooker)
tuck: [동사]1. (끝부분을 단정하게) 밀어넣다, 접다 2.(작은 공간에) 집어, 끼워 넣다

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