
"No Soup For You!" | The Soup Nazi | Seinfeld

531 2022. 7. 17. 15:53


BANIA: Hey, Jerry! I didn't know you liked soup.

JERRY: Hard to believe.

BANIA: This guy makes the best soup in the city, Jerry. The best. You know

what they call him? Soup Nazi.

JERRY: Shhhhh! All right, Bania, I - I'm not letting you cut in line.

BANIA: Why not?

JERRY: Because if he catches us, we'll never be able to get soup again.

BANIA: Okay. Okay.

GEORGE: Medium turkey chili.

JERRY: Medium crab bisque.

GEORGE: I didn't get any bread.

JERRY: Just forget it. Let it go.

GEORGE: Um, excuse me, I - I think you forgot my bread.

SOUP NAZI: Bread -- $2 extra.

GEORGE: $2? But everyone in front of me got free bread.

SOUP NAZI: You want bread?

GEORGE: Yes, please.



SOUP NAZI: No soup for you! [snaps fingers]

[cahsier takes George's soup and gives him back his money]


JERRY: Oh, man. Ohh! This is fantastic. How does he do it?

GEORGE: You know, I don't see how you can sit there eating that and not

even offer me any?

JERRY: I gave you a taste. What do you want?

GEORGE: Why can't we share?

JERRY: I told you not to say anything. You can't go in there, brazenly

flaunt the rules and then think I'm gonna share with you!

GEORGE: Do you hear yourself?

JERRY: I'm sorry. This is what comes from living under a Nazi regime.

GEORGE: Well, I gotta go back there and try again. 


GEORGE: Good afternoon. One large crab bisque to go. Bread. Beautiful.

SOUP NAZI: You're pushing your luck little man.

GEORGE: Sorry. Thank you.

ELAINE: Hi there. Um, uh -- [drumming on countertop] Oh! Oh! Oh! One

mulligatawny and, um....

what is that right there? Is that lima bean?


ELAINE: Never been a big fan. [coughing] Um..you know what? Has anyone ever

told you you look exactly like Al Pacino? You know, "Scent Of A Woman."

Who-ah! Who-ah!

SOUP NAZI: Very good. Very good.

ELAINE: Well, I --

SOUP NAZI: You know something?


SOUP NAZI: No soup for you!


SOUP NAZI: Come back one year! Next!


NEWMAN: One large jambalaya, please.

SOUP NAZI: So, continue.

KRAMER: Well, my friend is awful disappointed is all. You know, she's very


NEWMAN: Thank you. [inhaling deeply] Jambalaya!

SOUP NAZI: All right, now listen to me. You have been a good friend. I have

an armoire in my basement. If you want to pick it up, you're welcome

to it. So, take it, it's yours.

KRAMER: How can I possibly thank you?

SOUP NAZI: You are the only one who understands me.

KRAMER: You suffer for your soup.

SOUP NAZI: Yes. That is right.

KRAMER: You demand perfection from yourself, from your soup.

SOUP NAZI: How can I tolerate any less from my customer?

CUSTOMER: Uh, gazpacho, por favor.

SOUP NAZI: Por favor?

CUSTOMER: Um, I'm part Spanish.

SOUP NAZI: Adios muchacho!



ELAINE: Hi. You know, Kramer gave me the armoire and it is so beautiful.

I'm mean, I just can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

SOUP NAZI: You? If I knew it was for you, I never would have given it to

him in the first place! I would have taken a hatchet and smashed it

to pieces! Now, who wants soup? Next! Speak up!


ELAINE: Hello.

SOUP NAZI: You. You think you can get soup? Please. You're wasting

everyone's time.

ELAINE: I don't want soup. I can make my own soup. " 5 cups chopped Porcine

mushrooms, half a cup of olive oil, 3 pounds celery."

SOUP NAZI: That is my recipe for wild mushroom.

ELAINE: Yeah, that's right. I got 'em all. Cold cucumber, corn and crab

chowder, mulligatawny.

SOUP NAZI: Mulliga...tawny?

ELAINE: You're through Soup Nazi. Pack it up. No more soup for you. Next!


brazenly: [부사]뻔뻔하게, 버젓이 
flaunt: [동사]과시하다
brazenly flaunted the rules: 여기서는 맘대로 규칙을 무시하다 어기다로 해석
Do you hear yourself?: 니가 무슨 말 한지 알아? 그걸 말이라고하냐 여기서는 정말 그러기냐 정도로 해석
regime: [명사]정권, 제도, 체제
push one's luck: [숙어]운을 너무 믿고 덤비다, 과욕을 부려 일을 망치다, 행운이 계속되기를 기대하다, 악운에서 계속 피할 수 있기를 기대하다 여기서는 적당히 하는게 좋을 거다 정도로 해석
mulligatawny: [명사]멀리거토니(원래 인도에서 시작된, 향신료가 많이 든 수프)
bisque: [명사]비스크(특히 조개류로 만든 진한 수프)
Never been a big fan: 열렬한 팬이었던 적이 없다 → 별로다
Scent: [명사]향기, 냄새
jambalaya: [명사]잠바라야(해산물, 닭고기 등을 넣은 매콤한 잡탕밥의 일종)
awful: [부사]굉장히, 되게 [형용사]끔찍한, 지독한
inhale: [동사]숨을 들이마시다
armoire: [명사]불어에서(서랍도 넣어 공들여 만든) 장식장
basement: [명사](건믈의)지하층
suffer for: [숙어]~때문에 고민하다
tolerate: [동사]용인하다,(불쾌한 일 등을)참다(=put up with),(약물·힘든 환경 등을)견디다
~in the first place: [숙어]우선,먼저(무엇에 대한 이유를 말하거나, 무엇을 했어야 또는 하지 말았어야 했다는 말을 하는 문장의 끝 부분에 씀)여기서는 후자
hatchet: [명사](한 손으로 잡을 수 있는 작은) 손도끼
you're through: 당신은 끝났다
pack it up: [숙어]패배를 인정하다